Arduino Mega2560 nixie clock

Some five years ago, I had a RepRap 3D printer setup running the Marlin firmware on an Arduino Mega 2560 board. With that long gone, I was thinking about some other projects I could try on it: a floppy drive controller, and perhaps a clock, with some neon indicators I have managed to salvage from a 1970s benchtop multimeter of Czechoslovak provenience. Even though I have to admit that it… [more]

CRT screen regenerator

With a predictable demise of CRT screens that’ve been phased out of production since the late 2000s, the owners of vintage TVs, monitors or other displaying equipment, kept in a condition that’s just too good to be thrown out, will eventually bump into a problem concerning each and every CRT – or any vacuum tube in general – of decreased cathode emission, … [more]

Nixie tube tester

This very simple circuit can be used to verify the proper functionality of each cathodes in a Nixie tube, which was the predecessor of the solid-state LED 7-segment display, back in the 1960s and early 70s. The main anode voltage is obtained from a simple, battery-powered flyback inverter with just enough voltage to strike the glow discharge, and an adjustable resistor current limiter… [more]

PMD 32-SD pre lenivých

… teda úprava známeho emulátora PMD 32 bratov Bórikovcov pre tých, ktorým sa nechce riešiť plošák, pájkovať slot pre SD kartu a oživovať ATmegu v programátore; zato majú doma Arduino, alebo jeho lacný klon, a vedia si navrch “nacvaknúť” displej z Aliexpressu za pár chechtákov.… [more]

Semiconductor free Geiger Counter

Tried searching the keyword “geiger counter” on Google, or even better, on YouTube? Now, how many of them contained a multitude of transistors, analog microchips or even digital microprocessors, and no shielding at all? Well, whatever the count is, a majority of them – if not all – are going to fail miserably, due to a huge electromagnetic pulse, when the… [more]

Small Vacuum tube Tesla coil (VTTC)

To go along with flyback drivers, X-rays and other high voltage stuff, I have decided to build myself a Tesla coil. Because I live in an apartment building though, there would be no place to accommodate and run monstrous coil designs, not mentioning interference, so that is the reason why I’ve opted for small and sweet portable setups like this one is.… [more]

Štítky panelu Tesla BM215A

Hneď na úvod poruším pravidlo a nebudem písať tento príspevok anglicky, keďže je to merák našej proveniencie – nedávno som si ho dával dokopy a po odstránení technických porúch (taká tá klasika: bočníky, asfalťák, studeňáky) nasledovali tie estetické – červená indikácia v mikroampérmetri  a zošúchaný predný panel.… [more]