2.88MB PS/2 diskettes thru USB with an Arduino

As a kid in 1998, I was given an old IBM PS/2 to play games on. It only had one problem: with no USB (naturally) and no optical drive in it, I could not add more games to the hard drive, since the floppy drive didn’t work properly. However, I was curious to see an orange light come on, instead of the more familiar green, and there was “2.88” written on its eject button. What… [more]

Arduino Mega2560 nixie clock

Some five years ago, I had a RepRap 3D printer setup running the Marlin firmware on an Arduino Mega 2560 board. With that long gone, I was thinking about some other projects I could try on it: a floppy drive controller, and perhaps a clock, with some neon indicators I have managed to salvage from a 1970s benchtop multimeter of Czechoslovak provenience. Even though I have to admit that it… [more]

ImageDisk (IMD) support in MegaFDC

About a year ago I made a small project to see if I could make an old floppy controller chip, salvaged from a PC card, talk to an Arduino Mega board that I had left over from a 3D printer setup. With that being a success, I’ve extended the project to include 8-inch drives and 2.88MB PS/2 diskettes. One last step before I run out of RAM is to include ImageDisk support!… [more]


As a follow-up to my previous article about the IBM PCjr and its quirks and features, I have decided to create KeybJr – a small open-source project, that allows the PCjr to use a regular keyboard of the era, through both cable or the infrared link. This is because the system did not contain any provisions of connecting a normal PC keyboard… [more]

MegaFDC – a Mega2560 floppy drive controller

In other words, finding a more creative use for the Arduino Mega than a neon clock: to be able to read and write all sorts of old data storage media and send’em over USB, blending old technology with new.
Originally inspired by the ArduinoFDC project, I have decided to try a different approach: instead of using the Arduino to talk to a floppy drive directly, why not leave the hard … [more]

PMD 32-SD pre lenivých

… teda úprava známeho emulátora PMD 32 bratov Bórikovcov pre tých, ktorým sa nechce riešiť plošák, pájkovať slot pre SD kartu a oživovať ATmegu v programátore; zato majú doma Arduino, alebo jeho lacný klon, a vedia si navrch “nacvaknúť” displej z Aliexpressu za pár chechtákov.… [more]